الجينسنغ سائل الكافيين المكثف

✅ We have an average of 100,000 strands of hair. Each one of them goes through a growth phase, a resting phase and ultimately, a loss phase. The staggered timing of these hair cycles helps to ensure that the amount of hair remains constant. Our Ginseng CAFFEINE LINE provides a lasting boost to blood circulation in the scalp and promotes natural hair regrowth. The hair’s structure is enhanced and the hair becomes stronger and easier to manage.

22.000 د.ب
يرجى اختيار خيارات المنتج


ينشط الدورة الدموية في فروة الرأس ويعمل على مقاومة تساقط الشعر. التنشيط والتقوية. بمستخلصات عالية الجودة من الجينسنغ والقراص والريحان والكافيين المنشط.

- We have an average of 100,000 strands of hair. Each one of them goes through a growth phase, a resting phase and ultimately, a loss phase. The staggered timing of these hair cycles helps to ensure that the amount of hair remains constant. Our Ginseng CAFFEINE LINE provides a lasting boost to blood circulation in the scalp and promotes natural hair regrowth. The hair’s structure is enhanced and the hair becomes stronger and easier to manage.


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